Deck and Fence Cleaning Services
Insured Deck & Fence Cleaning Professionals

Enjoy A Spotless Deck
#1 Deck Cleaning Professionals
Sip on some iced tea or lemonade and enjoy a spotless clean deck by our deck washing service. We’re proud to be Pensacola’s most trusted pressure washing company, and when it comes to dealing with dirty decks, no one comes close to achieving the results that we can. Our hard working and dedicated deck cleaning professionals will use power washing equipment to remove the dirt and stains that have become a disgusting eyesore.
Our power washing professionals are skilled and trained at removing contaminants of all kinds and we will remove the dirt that has made an unwelcome appearance on your deck. We are the #1 deck cleaning professionals in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, and the surrounding areas. Give us call to schedule an appointment for your deck cleaning.
Raving Reviews
What Our Clients Say

Why Choose Us
We Treat Every Project With The Respect It Deserves

We use a soft wash solution that eliminates the spores of mold, mildew, and algae so that this nasty stuff will not grow back as fast. We keep your property looking better for a longer period of time! Our solution is eco-friendly and biodegradable.
Not all surfaces require the same method of cleaning nor the same solution to clean them. Our training and expertise allow us to choose the best cleaning method and solution to give you the safest and most effective clean for every surface.
You can have complete peace of mind that our solution will not harm your grass and plants. Depending on the surface we are cleaning, we may use any or all of our special four-step process to make sure nothing harms your beautiful landscape. We also properly protect your home by taping off the outlets, key holes, and other areas to block water from getting in
Our technicians go through over 100 hours of training with qualified trainers from our company and a third-party training course to ensure you are getting the best and safest cleaning possible.
All of our employees are covered by Workers Compensation and General Liability Insurance.
At the end of every job, our technicians will do a complete walk-around with you to make sure you are 100% satisfied with our cleaning.
Protect Your Investment
Don't Lose Your Fun Times
A deck often becomes center stage when it comes to entertaining our guests, soaking up the sun, firing up the barbecue, or just relaxing with a morning cup of coffee. Decks add a lot of value to a home, and anyone who doesn’t have a deck probably wishes they did! So if you’re fortunate enough to own a deck to kick back on, protect it with the maintenance it needs– professional deck washing!
Exterior Wash Experts deck washing treatment is the perfect remedy for removing unwanted eyesores off of your deck. Not only will our deck washing service give your deck a sparkling new look, but also help extend the life of it. With professional deck washing from our pros, you can expect:
- Higher Curb Appeal: Our pressure washing will elevate your deck’s visual appeal for a look that will impress all of your guests.
- Safer Environment: By removing slippery substances such as algae, your deck will be less prone to accidents and spills.
- A Primed Surface To Paint: There’s no better way to get your deck ready for new paint than a professional deck washing.
- Extended Lifespan: Deck washing extends your deck materials’ lifespan by removing substances that destroy weather sealant and cause rot.
Enjoying the beautiful weather here is much nicer on a freshly cleaned deck. Contact Exterior Wash Experts for professional deck & fence cleaning in Pensacola today!

Schedule Your Free Quote Today !

Don't Ignore Your Deck/Fence
Power Wash Dirt and Grime!
Spending time with family and friends can quickly become unenjoyable once the disgusting dirt on your deck or fence starts to become more apparent. A dirty deck/fence not only makes your home less appealing but can also cause many other problems.
Early Replacement – An unclean deck/fence, may leave you having to replace it before it is time to.
Unforeseen Expenses – Dirt will leave you making unexpected repairs if your deck/fence is not cleaned.
Dirty Appearance/Lower Curb Appeal – Your home will quickly lose its curb appeal because of your disgustingly dirty deck/fence if it is not professionally cleaned.
What's Next?
Our 3 Step Process
Call today to talk to our amazing team members to schedule your free in-person estimate.
You can check that task off your “to do” list because our experts are taking great care of it for you.
How Often Should I Clean My Deck?
Maintain the Beauty of Your Outdoor Space
Keeping your outdoor living space looking amazing can be a big challenge. With high foot traffic and weather, your deck takes a beating all year long. This is why it is important to wash it regularly. By letting our Exterior Wash Experts pressure wash your deck at least once a year, it is a guarantee that the beauty of it will never fade. Our dedicated pressure washing professionals are skilled and experienced with removing dirt and bacteria living on decks and we guarantee this with our special deck washing process. Once our deck & fence cleaning experts are finished washing your deck, you will be left in complete satisfaction and your outdoor space will be ready for all of your special events.

Service Area
Serving Our Community
- Pensacola
- Milton
- Cantonment
- Pace
- Gulf Breeze